23 May, 2014

Hjemstavn is going to 'A Wonderful World' in NEES

Grupperingen Hjemstavn will have one piece in the censured exhibition at NEES. 'Vasketøj' was selected by the jury to be on show opening on Thursday 29 May in Vemb (west jutland). See invitation on FB

Hjemstavn is going to NEES - where?

This way please

køreturen from Grupperingen Hjemstavn on Vimeo.

and hang out here

© Grupperingen Hjemstavn

04 April, 2014

MAX A5 in list of 50 unique things of Copenhagen

I always knew MAX A5 was a small great thing, and when I saw us on the list of 50 unique things about Copenhagen I said to Laura, we better get a date in the calendar for 2014. Here it is: 22 November. And look at the issue below, we're no. 22 on the list!

2014 location to be announced - TYS.

WHERE2GO vol 115 2014